Great Heritage, Great People, Great Future

This is a church where you aren't just another face in a crowd.  You are part of a family.  We believe that we are all children of God through Jesus Christ.  Joint heirs with Him in the new kingdom.  So become part of our family!  Join us as we seek to build the kingdom here on Earth as it is in Heaven!

11AM Sunday Service

Come Worship With US!

Livestream on Facebook


Easter Season Schedule

Easter Cantata on Palm Sunday 4/13 at 2pm

Hymn Sing and Snacks/Desserts to Follow!

Maundy Thursday Communion Service 3/17 at 7pm

Easter Sunrise Service at 8:30AM in the Field next to the Church

Easter Morning Breakfast at 9:45AM

Easter Morning Service 11AM


June 7th 10am to 3pm in the Church Parking Lot

If you have any gently used goods (please nothing broken or with stains or missing pieces)

call 585 343 4905 for pickup or drop off at the church on Saturdays from 9-noon

Choir Rehearsals

6:30pm on Thursdays

Saturday Rehearsals 10:30AM



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See our service times, where we are located, and how you can join us!

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